for the amusement of those residing in colder climes

Jan 07, 2006 00:00

This morning, about 8:40 (between first and second period), we received a weather phenomenon -- about two minute's worth of barely-there snow. The entire AP Physics class, including our recently-third-time-mother teacher, ran outside to see it. And we actually went to the principal's office to ask for a snow day, but he was in a meeting, so we let it go. (This is considering that last week it was so warm out that I had to wear short-sleeved t-shirts when I raked the yard, and I still got drenched in sweat.) I just thought that this might amuse those on my f'list who live in the south, or anywhere else that has schizophrenic weather, and bemuse those who live in places that actually know the meaning of a White Christmas.

Okay, here are the challenges I am taking on myself (all of them sans time-limit, which is essential for me):
1sentence: 50 prompts, one sentence each; pairing-oriented. I've claimed John/Aeryn of Farscape and Crowley/Aziraphale of Good Omens. John/Aeryn is half-done already.
fanfic100: 100 stories based on 100 prompts. My claim for Last Exile is still pending, but I'm already planning stories.
fanart50: Because I am insane -- 50 pieces of art, 50 prompts. I haven't posted there yet, but I'm going to claim Trigun as soon as I've posted this entry. (Mainly because I already have a few pieces that fit some of the prompts, and I've had more practice and more immersion in the art of Trigun than anything else. If I complete that, I may claim something else -- the Myst novels are giving me some really compelling visuals that I'd like to draw, strangely enough.)

Ultimately, 250 separate pieces of fan-work -- although the two groups of 50 sentences aren't as impressive. It's nuts, I know, but I really need a good kick in the rear, and a few challenges seem like they'll keep me going when my originality starts slagging. Plus, fun. And prompts, which are way too much fun to interpret. And new communities, with (hopefully) new friends, and new sources of fic and art for myself. ^_^.

And I think I want to make my own mood theme, possibly. What fandom shall I use? I'm pondering Farscape, as it is my oldest and dearest love. (Other than Star Wars, but I was too young to know I was a geek back then).

random, personal

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