meme time!

Dec 28, 2005 13:54

I say bah on all this seriousness and actual content pervading my LJ. The memes must make their return.

Aaanyway. The four meme, swiped from rainweaver13.

4 jobs you've had in your life: Um. Grade school student, elementary school student, high school student, and... er... nothing? No really. I got nothin'. ...Which is really kinda sad.

4 movies you can watch over & over: The Dark Crystal, The Last Unicorn, X-Men 2, Stargate... (the list goes on for days, actually...)

4 TV shows you like to watch: I'm narrowing this down to things that are actually ON TV that I watch (which is not very much), as opposed to DVDs. So... Lost, Good Eats, The Daily Show, and Fullmetal Alchemist.

4 places you've lived: Saltillo, MS; Oxford, MS; Amory, MS; Redding, CA.

4 places you've been on holiday: Chattanooga, San Francisco, Atlanta, Minnesota (not sure where; long time ago).

4 websites you visit daily: LiveJournal, Google... er. shoebox_project for updates and remusxsirius for new stuff. I surf aimlessly -- I visit next to no websites on a daily basis.

4 of your favourite foods: Fettuchini alfredo, king crab legs, yellowtail sushi, hummus.

4 places you'd rather be: As Mom said -- how about places I'd like to visit? All of the British Isles, Japan, New Zealand, Australia.

4 albums you can't live without: U2's "Rattle and Hum," Pink Floyd's "The Wall," R.E.M.'s "Automatic for the People," and -- this is kind of cheating, but -- the BBC Radio production of Lord of the Rings (which is 13 discs and not technically an album, so sue me).

4 items of clothing you wear most often: The blue jeans I'm wearing right now, no clue what brand they are; my beat-up, comfy Court Classic sneakers; blue plaid pajama pants; Vash t-shirt. (Got a zillion other t-shirts, too, but they get alternated pretty evenly.)

4 drinks you can't do without: White grape peach juice, water, milk, & fresh lime slushes from Sonic.

4 books you've recommended more than once to other people: "His Dark Materials" trilogy by Philip Pullman, "The Hobbit"/"Lord of the Rings" by Tolkien (kind of goes without saying); "The Dresden Files" series by Jim Butcher (forth, Jimengard! Bookstore commandos!); Discworld books by Terry Pratchett (I've given copies of "Mort" as a Christmas present twice now).

And one more added by moi: 4 smells you love: Old book, gardenia (the real thing, not just scented stuff), breakfast cooking (a peculiar mixture of bacon, egg, maple, and hot-oven-metal smells), rain on the way.

If you like the meme, feel free to swipe it. And continue the madness by adding a question/list item of your own to the end!

Yay, the meme is over and now I have to go to the Sports & Wellness Center to get orientateded. Bleh.

meme, random

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