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therosewilde December 1 2005, 17:55:50 UTC
*grins* Wow, another who agrees one with that theory? See, this is what happens when I stay away from the online boards, I never get any backup for my arguments. I've been a Snape fan from early in, because I thought that there had to be more than we were being told. This gave me a hatred of Sirius (that, and he reminded me of a few people, him and James) which did prevent me from being a puppy!shipper for a while. But I adore them again once more.

And i'm sorry, that's A Big Heap O' Rambling from a near stranger. Do you mind if I friend you?



ravenclaw42 December 1 2005, 18:50:08 UTC
Friending? Have at it! I'll friend you back. And hey, listening to Big Heaps O'Rambling from near strangers (and usually returning the favor) is how I've always made friends. ^_^.

Speaking of the rambling:
See, I just can't seriously consider any theory other than the one about Snape & Dumbledore being in cahoots. The rest just don't make sense to me. It's interesting that my approach to Snape and Sirius was always exactly the opposite, though -- I loved Sirius from the very beginning of PoA, and while I never hated Snape (and thought Harry's hatred of him was rather unwarranted), I never liked him either... not least because I knew some people like him. Funny, huh? (Wolfstar was actually my first slash pairing, and still my favorite. I like Remus more than Sirius, generally.)

Whoo, I can dump some rambling with the best of 'em. (Clearly I am much deprived of fellow fandom conspiracy theorists... sorry about that. >_<)


therosewilde December 1 2005, 19:02:03 UTC
First slash fic I ever put on the net?
A couple of hundred words of James/Sirius. *facepalm* Was right after I came home from watching Prisoner of Azkaban.

Sirius I developed a heavy dislike of after OoTP, because of the dangling scene. I have serious issues with bullies, so I did pretty much want to dangle him and James by their knickers from the Whomping Willow.

And I can ramble about most topics, so great to meet another wanderer of the wilds. Have you MSN? I'm on TheRoseWilde@hotmail.com for unreasonable lengths of time when I *should* be sleeping.



ravenclaw42 December 1 2005, 21:24:37 UTC
Heh. The first slashfic I wrote was for an anime called Trigun. But I've never actually posted slashfic... well, not pure slashfic, there's some slashy background stuff in other fics of mine, but I can't focus on romance in stories very well. I write more genfic and character studies... I really love doing AUs and missing-scene stuff, but I have completion issues (see: post-Trigun fic -- 4 years of work, 70K+ words, and the storyline's barely started ( ... )


therosewilde December 2 2005, 07:09:18 UTC
Alas, completion issues, I know them well. Yeah. Although never quite to that extent, because I have only had a computer I could write on for two years. Following Orders hit about twenty five thousand words, then real life went to hell, I dropped it, and I can't get back into it.

I suppose Sirius is redeemable, yes. And of course, my connecting him to certain people are school, has nothing to do with my occasional fic where he suffers horribly. Uh-uh, not me. *grins*

I haven't watched season two of Lost yet (Brit-alert!) but i've heard of Ana-Lucia, and how much people rage against her. And yes, I spent a great deal of the last two books wanting to shake Harry and what he thinks he is doing.

Well, if i'm not working, at uni, trying to take over the world, or trying to stop people stealing my shirts, i'm probably online. Have added you on MSN, so I hope to see you around.



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