well, shit.

Oct 26, 2005 20:49

I've signed up for NaNoWriMo. 50,000 words between midnight Nov. 1 and midnight Nov. 30. (I guess I've already cheated, what with the "Crimson" prologue-thing. Oh well. Can't help that.)

What am I thinking? I honestly am not sure. But I think that if I ever want to break out of fanfic, the best thing for me will be exactly what NaNoWriMo offers by the truckload: lots of conversation with rushed, half-crazed fellow writers and intense, fast-paced word production. It's all about quantity, not quality. That's definitely one of my flaws: I try too hard to edit as I write. Time to learn how to separate the two.

There's a meet-and-greet in Tupelo with some other WriMo's in the region this Friday, and I'm thinking about going.

I'm really nervous. Why am I really nervous? Why is 50K so intimidating? EtE is almost 60K, and I've written longer. But, damn it, I've spent four years on EtE and it's been polish-as-I-go the whole way. This is totally different. I've never even written original for anything other than poetry before, and I suck at poetry.

*slow, steady headdesking, repeating mantra* It's okay to write crap. Just write what comes out. Write until your fingers bleed, then keep writing...

stockpiling chocolate and sorting mood-appropriate music playlists,

ETA: Why do I keep reading Jack/Daniel Stargate slash? I don't even watch Stargate.

random, nanowrimo, original writing

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