it's all good

Oct 15, 2005 22:50

Went to see Serenity again, where some mouthy people close to me all but ruined it (I don't think I can stress enough how strange it is for me -- me -- to truly, angrily SHHH! someone in a theater). Ran into Megan and Gatlin, hung out and chatted for a while. Went to Books-A-Million, where I was distracted by bonding with the checkout guy over Discworld books and did not notice that I was charged for all four volumes of Saiyuki despite the big red stickers on them that said Buy 2 Get 1 Free; so I will be heading back there soon to exercise my right to be a stingy bastard. (Hey, $9.99 is plenty to be miffed about losing. That's FMA vol. 3 right there.)

Megan and Gatlin tagged along to the bookstore and got sucked into the comics section, whereupon I discovered that there will be NO NIGHTCRAWLER in X3, which makes it utterly not worth paying money to see. And Juggernaut? JUGGERNAUT? No. No, there is no worthiness there.

Inadvertently discovered that I skipped a Vimes book completely and so will have to go back and read Jingo before I buy Thud.

My favorite Discworld books always, for some strange reason, make me want to draw particular scenes that almost always involve hands. Back when I read Men at Arms, I drew the ultimate drunk!Vimes scene from right after he's been fired. So here's the illustration-of-sorts for the soldiers' song from Night Watch: "...they rise hands up, hands up, hands up..."

random, art

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