the shiznit hits the fizzan

Aug 24, 2005 16:26

Physic's teacher's husband and 2-year-old girl were in a car wreck; everyone's fine but the emergency guys said it was a miracle no one died, which has had said Physics teacher in shaking, barely-there mode all day. New assistant band director (barely been here a month) had a family crisis, resigned and moved to Oklahoma. And to top it all off, Chorus is kaput.

Bit of backstory here: There are three "activity" classes: Band, Chorus, P.E. Chorus is where the people get dumped who couldn't take P.E. for health or laziness reasons (also because P.E. is for the athletes, 'cause Lord knows they're a class apart *rolls eyes*), and who couldn't take Band because of not being able to play an instrument (although that doesn't stop a few of the people who are in the band). Chorus is like, the burger-flippers of the fast food chain that is high school: no experience, skill, IQ, or behavior standards required. So, for the last couple of days we've had a substitute, and most of Chorus was absolutely horrible to him (they always have been anyway, but this was to a new teacher so it was worse), and we found out today that all but a select few got written up, and the explosive bad behavior of the class has made the administration change it from Chorus to General Music. That means sit down, shut the hell up, copy out of books, and take tests every Friday. Boring as hell -- and not what I signed up for. (I'm one of those crazy rare people who actually joined Chorus because I like singing. Thankfully, the Chorus teacher is taking out a group of us to do a small ensemble choral group, so all is not entirely lost.)

People are so stupid sometimes.

Other: My sickness has been moving from the top of my head downward. It's weird. It started out as a fever/headache cold, shifted down to a sinus/mucus nose cold, then shifted down again today into a sore throat/coughing cold. Intuition told me to put some cough drops in my backpack this morning and I'm really glad I have a functional intuition, because I turned out to really need them. Had a brief but panicky throat-constriction in Economics; couldn't breathe, couldn't let myself cough because the room was so silent and it wouldn't have been a pretty cough -- thank the deity of your choice that I had something throat-numbing and muscle-relaxing on hand or I don't know what I would've done. Not fun.

Fandom crap: Surcoat is DONE. Bell bandolier is DONE. Only thing left is the "armor"/bra. Thank you god.

Been playing Riven again and realizing that I know a lot more of solutions than I thought I did.

Trigun Maximum 6 ROXORS.

Am remembering how much I loved the Mayor from Buffy, and he hasn't even showed up yet in the bit we're watching now.

No stories going right now (between Trig, Physics, and con prep, have had no free time whatsoever that hasn't been taken up with sleep or reading), but I am drawing again -- I draw rather than write at school 'cause I can't keep a coherent sentence in my head with all the noise. Next post should have the drawing I've been doing of a frame out of Riven for the school literary magazine (it goes with an essay). Also, pics of the Sabriel costume and, for no discernable reason, pics of my room. Because I felt like taking them. Preserving all the clutter and crap for posterity, I reckon.

Am thinking about going with semi-permanent black hair dye for Sabriel rather than Level 1, maybe dying it this weekend and letting it stay for a month or two. If I do that, I'll take pics of the before & after.

rant, costuming, personal

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