dork (v): to squee repeatedly over inane fannish subjects

Aug 14, 2005 02:03

Costuming and Fluffy the Umpire Slayer dorkishness this time. Nothing new.

Am showing Buffy to Llama -- we're on season 2, just finished "Bad Eggs." Next is "Surprise/Innocence" and the subsequent arc (!). I get all ditsy and excited when I get to show off one of my awesomer fandoms to my friends. I already converted Owl into a raving Buffy fanatic; Llama's close now, just needs a little more of the upcoming storyarc and I'll have him in tears. I should get a t-shirt or something for all this volunteer advertising.

And on the costume front:
Me and Llama went thrift store-hopping today for DCon junk. We've finally got our own costumes worked out -- three each. Last thing left is to get with our third wheel, Owl, and see what she's planning on so we can synchronize.

Costume 1: Firefly, random browncoat. Granted, given that it's practically SerenityCon this year. What's amusing is that I don't actually have a brown coat. Well techincally I do, but it's more like a bomber jacket, it's my mother's, it's stifling, and it's about three sizes too big. It's for desperate straights only. Otherwise I have pale tan leather pants and tall dark brown boots, and a black tank top. These things the casual soldier look make.

Costume 2: Hitchhiker's Guide, Arthur Dent. I couldn't resist it. Llama wanted to be Ford Prefect and I just had to partner with him. I love Arthur to death. Llama's Ford costume is frighteningly accurate to the movie -- one of the best costumes I've ever witnessed put together in less than a day. My Arthur is a little off -- couldn't find a dark gray shirt, or vertically striped red PJ pants, or a green bathrobe. (Plus I'm female. Oh well. I did Vash, too. Who cares.) So it's pale gray, 70's red plaid, and Dad's blue bathrobe. But's it's close enough; I mean, come on, this particular outfit is not totally about the detail. Gimme a towel, a teacup, and an alarming-looking calculator with DON'T PANIC written on it, and no one can question who I'm supposed to be.

We're going to see if Owl will jump on the bandwagon with us and do Trillian. I picked up a $2 jumpsuit today (looks like it belonged to a garage worker) that could fake as Trillian's movie outfit quite well, just a little grimier and more beige.

Costume 3: Of course, the infamous Sabriel project is still ongoing. Showing Buffy to Llama is wonderful and fun, but it costs me dearly in work time. I'm about to make Llama start paying me for Buffy privileges in key-painting time. The surcoat worries me; the bells worry me. Other than that, it's all okay.

And that's all, folks. Until I'm awake again.
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