
Jun 24, 2005 02:42

You do not win with no more good doujin covers, ever.

*gouges eyes out with dull-edged spoon*
I should leave this art-searching business to the more experienced, like Angsty, whose links I NEVER CLICK ON ANYMORE EXCEPT WHEN I DO, thanks very much.

Better: I'm all excited now that I might not be lying when I say that chapter 14 of EtE could possibly maybe hopefully have a very very very large and deep-frozen snowball's chance in hell of being finished before the weekend is over. Please note that that's a very small chance. And yet, possible.

I am not holding my breath. The Blockage of Doom hides in waiting to pounce at the slightest sign of breath-holding, so I'm not.

And yet.

evangelion, art, earth to earth, fandom rant

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