New LJ feature FROM HELL

Sep 01, 2010 19:00

I would like to let it be known that anyone who uses this new LJ-to-Facebook/Twitter automatic reposting function to repost any comments you make on my journal entries is automatically getting unfriended in as many ways as it is possible for me to unfriend you, possibly including in real life to your face.

I treasure the level of disconnect that LJ offers from the FB/Twitter tar pits of social networking hell. I've resisted making my whole LJ f'locked because I like leaving my stories open to be read by whomever while only locking things that I only want people I know IRL/have known for many years online to read -- but even the things that I leave unlocked on LJ are completely unwelcome in the rest of my online existence. Guys, I waited until I was 22 to get a car and I've refilled the gas twice in 3 months. I am a hermit. My journal is my space. I don't want my space to be homogenized into everyone else's space.

tl;dr I have all this crap turned off on my own settings, but if another user has them turned on, they can still repost content from my journal's comments without my permission. So I'm asking whoever is reading this not to do that, please. Thank you.

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