double tag!

May 13, 2005 15:59

Eeep! I've been tagged with the same meme by two people! Guess I better do it. ^_^.

1. Total number of films I own on DVD/video:
Oooo... dunno. About... 30 I guess? Maybe a little more? That's counting TV shows and anime on DVD and old, old homemade tapes of movies off cable.

2. The last film I bought:
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, bought used from the movie rental place.

3. The last film I watched:
Pink Floyd's "The Wall," with my mother (who is determined to make me crazy).

4. Five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me:

* Lord of the Rings trilogy -- why bother explaining my reasons? My fingers'd fall off before I could type up everything these movies mean to me.

* The Last Unicorn -- the Rankin/Bass version. Rankin/Bass may have butchered some LotR in their time, but their version of Last Unicorn has been one of my most treasured... security blankets, I guess you could say... since before I can remember. I cannot watch it without crying, and it's not just because of the story (which is sad and beautiful enough in itself to set me bawling), but because of all the memories and feelings and, well, a whole era of my life that I've attached to it. It's my youth, my zeitgeist, more than any other movie in existance (except maybe the Wonderworks version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)

* Schindler's List -- not something you'd watch for fun, or alone, but definitely something everyone needs to see at least once in their life. I've seen it twice now and I have no desire to see it again for many, many years. But I am glad I watched it.

* The Crow -- There are so many fantasy and sci-fi movies I'd love to put on this list, but if I'm going to narrow it down to just five of the most important to me, The Crow is way up there. There's a certain innocence to this movie's darkness that I don't think any other movie has ever captured. The gothic style, the constant rain, the buried anger, the utter sadness -- this is just one of the most beautiful stories. R.I.P. Brandon Lee.

* Star Wars (the ORIGINALS) -- What can I say? They started my uber-geekiness. AND THE NEW ONES DON'T COUNT!

5. Five people I'm passing this onto, and why?
Dangit, two of the only people I could tag were the ones who tagged me! Oh well, let's see if I can dig up five others...
glass_bullet because I'm vewwy curious about your answers. I think yma's already tagged you... *shifty look*
owlmaid because you're my not-quite-sis and I love ya and I gotta attack you with these memes every once in a while. ^_^.
terioncalling because you're always up for a meme or a quiz and your answers are invariably hilarious...
wcrump, who's not big on these type things but oh well, because... um... I'm running out of people?
Umm... um... tiggymalvern because I lurk around your journal and want to marry you and am out of other people to tag? Hehe. *sweatdrop* (Someday I swear to God I will finish this piece of fanart I've had planned for "Balance" and then I will be a happy camper. Argh.)

Yay, meme done! Now I go back to my little cosy headspace of writery-ness...

I have gone insane. I mean, seriously. I can't believe I just subjected myself to this mess. But anyway, here's the deal: I claimed a couple of challenges for the Master and the Wolf (Severus/Remus slash) Fuh-Q-Fest (#'s 14 and 26, you can read them on the Challenges page), so I'm gonna be dividing time between that resulting story (prospective title: "Of Human Bondage") and "Earth to Earth." However, I still have a couple days of school left, two exams and then the first week of summer holidays will be spent working long hours at the school to finish up the yearbook (of which I have been named next year's editor, MWUAHAHAHA!) Basically, EtE is getting shuffled around like the ball in a game of hot potato. I can't keep a good grip on it; every time I come up with an idea I don't have the resources to write it down, and as soon as I get near my computer or a nice piece of paper, the idea's gone. Also, my wrists hurt from typing so much at school and home, and this Harry Potter story has all but exploded into my head -- it's practically written itself by now; I can't keep up with it. And as if that weren't enough, I've got to write my term paper this weekend or I'm dead.

So I'll probably be even less reliable than usual about replying to things, there won't be any updates on anything for a while yet, and until I get this yearbook done I shall be floating about in a lovely haze of stress and spontanaiety(sp?) But it should all be over by the end of May. Should be.

And THEN I get to take the SAT and the ACT a week apart and go on a road trip to visit, like, 5 colleges! But we're not going to think about that until June, no precious we aren't...

Anyway, I'll be around -- mostly lurking, but around. And if I'm not fighting with the school printers or trying to hunt down people who've moved or any other yearbook-related crap like that, I might actually be working on fanfic.


meme, personal

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