crappiness is mitigated by costume inspiration

Oct 13, 2008 20:14

News at 11

But yeah, I have a five-page Shakespeare paper due at 9 a.m. Wednesday morning. I have tonight and three free hours tomorrow afternoon between a final chorus rehearsal and a nighttime chorus performance in which to write this paper. Yay. It's going to be about Merchant of Venice, and how the motivations of the characters of Antonio and Bassanio differ depending on whether or not one chooses to interpret the relationship between them as homosexual or not. (Short version: If they were having sex before the action of the play, Bassanio is the bigger douchbag. If they weren't, Antonio is the bigger douchebag. Either way, they're both pretty much douchebaggish throughout. Not the most uplifting topic ever, though I did choose it.)

My period starting, getting 5 1/2 hours of sleep (not by choice) rather than my usual 8, coffee in the morning to mitigate the sleepiness, and being stressed to the point of developing mouth ulcers all combined today to push me into a state of strung-out jitters with trembly hands and cold sweat. Joy. Stress-withdrawal DTs. You know, minus the withdrawal. And then I learned how to use a circular saw. Bad. Bad day. I never want today to happen again. Thank god time is linear.

Anyway, I had been having a hard time thinking of a costume for Halloween... I was trying too hard, being too critical. Today something just snapped while I was in World Lit and I thought, "Why the fuck am I trying to come up with something world-changing? Or considering not going in costume at all, which is LAME? I should just do what I always do, which is pick my current favorite show and character and just do it, regardless of gender, hair, body type." Never used to bother me before. Ugh, self-consciousness. So after that dam broke, my idea actually shaped up pretty quickly into a completely awesome idea where it won't even matter that no one will recognize the character, because hey! It'll be bloody and ridiculous, and that's Halloweenish anyway.

So: Dean Winchester. Why the hell not? I can easily get all the parts of the costume and I kinda wanted to order the replica of his amulet anyway because I'm a freaking dork. So I got that ordered, got everything else sorted out, and now all I have to do is ponder over whether or not I'll just pin my hair down or attempt to get a wig. (Short-haired male wigs are hard to find, though. The closest I think I could do would be to get a mullet wig, of all things, and chop off the back VERY short, and trim the top. Most short-hair wigs, esp. cheap ones, are sewn such that the hair lays flat and you'll never tease it upright, ever, because it isn't like human hair, which grows straight out of the scalp. Mullet styles are sewn to have the top standing upright already, like Dean's spikes. So... it's a matter of buzz-cutting most of it and gelling what's left. But I'm still undecided about that, because I'm not a wig expert and I've screwed them up before.)

But the thing that really drove me to deciding that this is The Costume Idea That Has To Happen was something my roommate pitched out there as a joke. She doesn't even watch this show, but I was asking everyone whether I should do "post car-wreck or chewed up by invisible dogs?" at random, and she said, "You should get a stuffed dog and, like, hang it off your pants leg where it's been chewing." And I was like FUCK YES, IT HAS TO BE DONE NOW. Hellhound!chewtoy!Dean with a fluffy dog toy hanging off his ripped-up, bloody jeans leg? YEEEEEESSSSS.

I adore all the crap I learned in stage makeup class. This costume is going to be amazing. And amusing, I think, even to those who haven't seen the show.
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