Nov 08, 2005 21:09
Mom doesn't want me telling anyone about my engagement - like she's embarrassed by it or something.
Maybe we should just run off somewhere. She said we could. We were talking about it at dinner last night. She said she would just give us the money to do that and it would be cheaper than footing the bill for a wedding. I told her she didn't have to do that, that I would chip in but she said Dad wouldn't have wanted it this way. Dad-schmad. Yeah, I love him and miss him but he would recognize that I'm a modern woman and wouldn't be happy just to sit back and let them buy everything. Mom's reason for not letting me chip in for stuff is that if I do that I won't have any money to put in for a house. So all in all she has singlehandedly ruined what is supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life.
She's been bashing Josh too, saying he's spineless and has no balls because he didn't come talk to her before we did this, she was really hurt when she found out we told his family first.
I've talked to my grandmother so hopefully she'll talk to her and talk some sense into her and make her realize i'm happy.
Just when I need her most, it's like she doesn't even want to help me get it organized. We really would like to do this in June but I'm just not sure I can do it on my own. I probably could because I'm very organized when it comes to stuff like this- planning parties, etc but I'm not sure I can organize something this big without her. I realize she didn't have a big wedding either- just her and Dad and her cousin and husband but she should still step up and help me.