I haven't posted in a while, I know. But here's the latest
To protest the recent unfair decision by the York Co. board of supervisors, that the Pints and Pipes must close at 12am, I've decited to fight back. An online petition is available at
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/1ampints Just add your name. It's that simple.
The petition will be delivered at the next York Co. board of supervisors meeting (date is unknown at this time, but I will keep you posted)
The reasoning behind this is that the Pints and Pipes has been the target of some bad press in the past, yes some of it was true. The more outrageous allegations were made by disgruntled ex employees (which was not reported in billyburg's most beloved rumor rag and catbox liner). This is about the only place where EVERYONE is welcome (as long as you can act like a civilized human being). I don't even set foot in other local establishments due to fear of the rowdy crowds they attract, yes I'm speaking about JM Randall's and Library tavern. Both of who have had numerous calls to police for fights, drunks and other problems (also not reported by the local rumor rag).
So If you want to support a laid back place where anyone, black, white, gay, straight, "normal", goth, punk or whatever are welcome, sign this!