Dec 11, 2006 00:17
That seems to be the problem with the people I know, nobody has the balls to say whatever everyone is thinking. So here goes....
There, I said it.
Now, explanations are due for those who don't get my point. There was a time in the not so distant past when the goth scene (and people in it) had a certain grace, style, and respected individuality (to an extent). Most of us had an idea of where the scene came from, how old it was, and that MARILYN MANSON DID NOT INVENT THE FUCKING GOTH SCENE! We knew some of the older bands, Bauhaus, Siouxsie, The Cure, London After Midnight, Death in June, Switchblade Symphony ( I could go on here). We'd get together, dance, laugh at the mundanes and the stereotypes about people such as ourselves. I always got a kick out of watching "Goth Talk" and listening to Voltaire joke on the whole crowd, namely because WE NEVER TOOK IT SERIOUSLY ! We did joke on ourselves....
Somewhere down the line, in more recent years, all that changed. A newer generation always brings change, and not always for the better. No, I'm not blaming all of the younger crowd for these changes, some of the elders are just as guilty. What changed? Somehow we have become everything we hated about the mundanes. We've become suspicious of anyone who didn't "conform", to the latest styles (namely plastic or fake hair, plastic clothes, ect), in ideas. Instead of being united everyone somehow got all clicqueish, looking down their noses at everyone else and acting catty. Hello, high school is over with, grow the fuck up. No one wanted to associate with anyone who was different from themselves. This kind of behavior and lack of unity has already driven away many of the elders in the scene I remember, and divides everyone else. Not the way to keep a scene together....
Of course so many of you don't even care....
Somehow you got the idea that being apathetic was cool. Nope, sorry. It's just plain pathetic.
You have become the stereotype! $100 bucks says that you'd be offended listening to Voltaire or "Goth Talk", as opposed to looking at it and laughing at how stupid it all is. Ooops, even if they were talking about you.....
So go to your clubs, dance to all the shitty music you want (given, it all sounds the same now), follow the latest trends, forget doing your own thing or dancing when no one else is (gods forbid, you might be laughed at!). Elders such as myself will go on with our lives, listen to a little Siouxsie, take care of our homes and families. Maybe on a whim, we'll show up at the clubs just to laugh at all of the stereotypes......
elder goth's manefesto