Thank you everyone for your good luck wishes on the last post! :)
I know I said I probably wouldn't be on, but I woke up a 5am and haven't really been able to get to sleep. First thing I did when I woke up was play Left4Dead! lol. Just packing everything up now so I don't have to worry about it later. Then downstairs for free breakfast, and then to Tim Horton's and then to Lacie's house to get the girls, and then to the hair place!!!!
Man. I'm going to need a ton of coffee today, but it's probably not a wise idea....
I've got pictures up at my photobucket of the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner up from last night. yeah. i also did that whjile I played Mario Kart. Don't mind my typos. lol
Here is the link. Let me know if you can't get into it or anything.