Something Like August masterlist

Aug 01, 2008 23:54

Here's the masterlist for submissions from the Something Like August challenge. There are a few days still unclaimed, if you're interested click the banner to claim one.

All claimed now, but if you'd like to double on a day, let me know. :)

01. a small pic-spam to hold us over til we receive enoughoflove's entry. Edited to add: enoughoflove's had internet issues, but is back and brought us More

02. Misperceptions Pt 1 / 3 by raynedanser

03. The Night I Wish I Stayed Home by fadedsouls

04. Bonfire Night by joshysleo

05. His Everything by bellamyrose

06. Subterfuge by lievv

07. Tour by lesasoja

08. Twenty icons from llamabitchyo

09. Misperceptions Pt 2 / 3 by raynedanser

10. A couple of picspams from the lovely musiclover03 can be found here and here to tide us over until we hear from mjai :)

11. The White Room part 1 by pensnest

12. The White Room part 2 by pensnest

13. The White Room part 3 by pensnest

14. Aftermath by enoughoflove and Untitled ficlet by pensnest

15. Making Changes by bellamyrose

16. Misperceptionspart 3/3 by raynedanser

17. Five ways Chris was never killed by Justin Timberlake by ephemera-pop

18. Vulnerable by linear_flower

19. No Strings Attached - Just Free Love by ephemera_pop

20. Belonging by bellamyrose and poetrychik

21. In My Life by syncalot

22. Born To Run - Gun Safety by joshysleo

23. Nick/Chris chibis by luxshine

24. Howie and Chris art by milosflaca

25. Like Riding a Bike (or Falling in Love) by estu_88

26. Happiness by linear_flower

27. Persuasion by catviret

28. How to Make the Perfect Breakfast by copyrightpidalo

29. this will be msktrnanny's slot, she's informed me she's running late.

30. A pic spam by poetrychik

31. So Far Away by bellamyrose

And that's it folks, thanks for everything. :) I will add in the entry for the 29th when I recieve it.


something like august challenge

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