I can't believe I forgot Namikawa Daisuke is Hetalia's Italy. ;____; H-how could I forget? (#@$@#$#@$ and how can he be both this wimpy twit AND the rest of his characters? ;-; They're mostly epic and manly and $#@%$#% JOE GIBSON JUNIOR?! ♥ HOW?)
I really have to continue watching this series. T^T;;;; I kind of loved Germany (Although China ♥♥♥ is Kaida Yuki so... >x>) last time I watched, and... beh my Sugiyama Noriaki dislike remains firm. oTL Why does he have to be Sasuke? ;_;
The piano version of this song is <3<3<3.
Good thing it's the short version, though. x:~
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