Apr 10, 2010 23:04
Miyamoto Mitsuru REALLY IS HUBB! $@#$#$@#$@#$ \o/
The fact Miyano Mamoru is Kiba was obvious from the first effin' SECOND, so no excitement there. Plus he didn't sound like some gay, over-puffed fugu in one of his previous animes, but HOLYSHIT this man is good. ♥
My love for Suyama Akio is also blossoming, WAIIII~~~ ♪ Although he was cooler as Haru, but oooooooh weeeeeell.
Can't wait for Wakamoto Norio to make an appearance. ADORE his voice. Deep voices ftw!
I'mma fucking cry. ♥
I LOVE seiyuus. I love them so much I might die.