I've been putting off coming back to LJ because I'm too lazy to post pictures and bring up adventures and shenanigans as of late. But I've been having some trip~tastic dreams that I feel are worthy of documenting.
I normally keep them written in random journals and sketchbooks around my room but I guess it'll be interesting to have an ecopy o 3o
Soooo, I was supposed to have started doing this like last week, rofl, but I just now got around to it since the dreams are piling up.
The oldest dream I'm bringing up, only because it has to do with a comic Megan drew me
www.unowen.net/tegaki/dblog.php, coff.
So yes.
There I was, sleeping.
Suddenly I woke up to a rukus from the floor in my room, I peer over the edge of my bed to see a massive alligator staring me in the eyes. Before the battle stare was completed I managed to unsheathe a sword and use it to fend off the alligator with one arm while I pried open my window with the other, I then leapt from my bed to the tree branch a couple feet outside my window and climbed down to the backyard before I notice the army of alligators waiting around the bottom of the tree.
I then begin hopping from one's head to the next while simultaneously stabbing most of them in the face as I make my way into the kitchen. I look out the window to the back yard where I see a million dead alligator bodies and as I clean my sword I think of the wonderful idea~ People pay good money for gator skin bags and boots ane whotwhot, atleast they did in the 80's, so I design, skin, and manufacture hats from all the dead gators who tried to kill me.
I become a millionaire overnight and then make a short appearance on Oprah, when I go onstage there's a gator hat under every audience member's chair and Oprah's wearing one herself.
Woke up pretty lawlish.
Be posting the next dream either in a few minutes or a few hours if I decide to go to sleep :'D