abyss slowly drowning
the white box too familiar
all sides locked in
static fluorescent for company
above murky waters
twitching eyes
pulsing nerves
hide not the anger
the questions
metal boxes partners
wavelengths and frequencies
one single resonance of a key
unmask, unlock, undo, unfold
the intricacies of a rough cage
raw, pained flesh.
me you and you
not they she him or it
of who of him of I
do we speak,
do we judge?
share not the apathy
pleading inside
begging not outside
share not
the world's jury's verdict
crushed are all the work
of time gone by
crushed is the time now
too slow, too fast
a blur.
branching out,
spreading its leaves, its musk
coloring the world in shades
of unknowns
of questions
of loneliness
all of it.