back again white box
a time for just me and me
limited yet infinite in understanding
still yet a blemish upon the walls
strike me down
washing away and away
a shower never done
layers and layers and layers
unknown to be known
postulated to understand
but only a sample at a time
too expensive i said
cheap, perhaps, once said
now not here, mayhap illusion
never again.
never again?
never again....
precious, precious, oh so
it was such, the other not
but therein lies the faceless serpent
striking down, consuming
the angel that once was
birthing venom, a babe of malcontent
a parasitic feeding
reaching, preaching, emptiness
a vastness buoyed by incoherency
the mind its own punisher
the body its own servant
endless cycle, postulations
bubbling beneath the surface
barely contained, strained
endless possibilities
never to happen
if only to be free
to be thoughtless
to be cold
to be
and not to exist.