(no subject)

Jan 02, 2025 21:05

I just got a call from a cousin that their brother, the Contractor Cousin, had a massive heart attack today at the eye doctor's.  They rushed him to a hospital in Brockton where he was stabilized and then transported to Boston at the hospital I work at.   They did emergency surgery. He is intubated and still unconscious.  His wife and daughter  are the hospital but can't be with him.  They asked if they should stay or go home. The doctors couldn't tell them that he would be okay.

Last March he had a heart problem where they thought a double bypass would be needed, but because the arteries were so short they put in 2 stents.  Today they said that one of the stents was 100% clogged.  It's just about 10 months since they put them in.  His Doctor told him that he had no restrictions.

I don't understand why they dont check these things.  He is at the doctor's all the time for his diabetes and other issues.  Why don't they do echocardiogram follow ups?  Or just give an echo to people over 60 who are overweight.  Dad's emergency surgery cost $79000.00. An Echo a couple years earlier could have prevented that cost. a 6 month echo test could have showed that this cousin's stent was clogging.  I would think that his diabetes would complicate things so they would check more.

I really hope the cousins now start to pay attention... no amount of rinsing off hotdogs, sausages, or ham takes out the sodium. Ordering take out food 4 times a week is not healthy.  The only cousin not overweight now is the one with cancer.  The lead cousin is saying that she gets less than  hours sleep a night ...I dont really believe that, but if it's true she is setting herself up for heart problems as well as other problems.

I hope my Dad pays attention and listens to me.

I am also trying to evaluate my own heart health... I am overweight and I turn 60 this year.  if I flop no one is able to take care of me.  I have insurance that the doctors I like to use will take so now its make appointments.  Loosing weight is important, but things could be clogged already.

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