Oct 03, 2024 21:56
Dad is doing fine. The change in medicine is holding things together. Not sure for how long.
I am not doing fine. I am overwhelmed ..and when overwhelmed I freeze and accomplish NOTHING.
I asked the hospital social worker if they knew if the patient could apply for paid family leave for themselves. They said yes. I asked how. They said that they didn't know. Maybe the state could help me. Someone said that his boss should know. I asked the boss. She said to ask the hospital. I get home after 4 PM...the state offices hours end at 4. I can't call during work.
I asked the hospital if the operation was covered by insurance. They said Medicare covers it. Um...okay. I asked if I could get help for Dad's meds as 2 of them are mortgage payments even with insurance so he can't quit working. They found a charity that will send me $1000.00. I asked for help in reducing the cost of the meds. They said that they didn't know how to do that.
I am exhausted. I have been told caregivers need sleep. Ha! People are calling me at 10 PM to find out how Dad is. FOR F's SAKE, LET ME SLEEP.
Tomorrow Dad tries to renew his license. Fingers crossed.
My sister is coming here next week with her partner. I am not up for company at all.
I really need to clean my apartment, but I keep getting interrupted.