Really! God knows how many curses I've thrown just a while ago. F*ck that. What the hell is happening? This is getting annoying by the minute. Sh*t.
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, [V]? I need a valid and reasonable explanation, damn it. You've been failing my expectations for weeks now. Damn it. I'm really starting to hate you!!! Why don't you put Arashi on Videoscope!!!!!!!? If [V] Philippines is hell like this! I want the Asian format back. For the reason that you want to cater the audience's wants, then you made the biggest mistake in not airing Arashi on Videoscope today. The hell with Utada? Excuse me for Utada fans, I'm not against her or anything. In fact I was sooo happy when she was featured months ago. But she had her turn, right? And Arashi's supposed to be airing right at this moment. And what did [V] Philippines do? Yeah, they sucked big time. I'm annoyed, frustrated, disappointed, and angry about this. Really. I thought today would be a very happy day, but this event really overturned the mood. It blew my top. Seriously.
Damn it, I'm really crying now.
What should I do? Do you want me to flame you for not following the posted schedule on your damn site? What do you want? Don't make me lose my temper please. We need each other. You need viewers, I (and fellow fans) need your dose of J-pop and most of all, Arashi. But what the hell is happening here? You're not respecting your viewers at all. So not respecting. I officially hate you.
Damn it.
EDIT: Ok, some said there might be some issues with JE... but still!! What's with the schedule!? They should've put them on November instead! Nah, I'm still pissed.