Well, I'm full of useless questions.Blame the spare time So heres something else I've been rather curious about.
What sanzo-ish powers can we assume Ukoku has?
And really now, does Genjyo have any sanzo powers at all?I mean he uses that little gun a hell of alot... I mean is Minekura-sensei actually saying that in like 11-12 years all Kouryuu
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If I'm right (I really don't think I am, so feel free to stop me!), Sanzo priests earn that title because they've reached a certain level of spiritual enlightenment that sets them above the rest, with the exception of Ukoku, who for all intents and purposes is an illegitimate Sanzo priest. We can assume that they at least have some basic self-defense training... no, probably more than that. They know how to fight, and they also have a sutra. That may or may not be the extent of their power. Who knows.
I happen to think Ukoku has a little something more. Think about it; you see him single-handedly massacre everyone, including Goudai, and he barely even touched them. He probably studied things like that on his own free time. After all, as Kenyuu, he wanted to become a Sanzo priest because he heard it was the hardest thing to do. He seems like the type to want to try everything not only to have the experience under his belt, but also to have the power and the ability to say "been there, done that." So... well, let's get back on topic. As a Sanzo priest, he does have control over the sutra. But in general, he has more power than we know.
Now, about Genjou Sanzo having any power. Yes, he probably does. But take into account his character. I'm willing to bet that, if someone asked him why he didn't use any sort of mystical power, he may tell them that he doesn't need to waste the time or effort on such weak youkai. Which is true, for the most part; they're attacked by a lot of weak youkai who probably can't fight all that well. He doesn't need more than a gun. He does, however, use his sutra when fighting against more powerful opponents, like Seiten Taisei Son Goku.
...well, that was long. ^^;; I guess, in short, I'm just trying to say:
A.) There probably isn't such a thing as "Sanzo powers," with the sutra being the exception.
B.) What powers Ukoku may have were probably not because he became a Sanzo.
C.) Sanzo does have power, he just doesn't want to take the time to use it.
Again, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, or to clarify on what you meant by "Sanzo powers."
Second, I was being general, perhaps a bit too general, ehe. Well, these pictures should clear up what I'm curious about.
To me, these things don't seem that ordinary..could just be me. Then there’s also what Kami-sama can do -could make a fast prostitute joke-. That kid wasn't a priest in training, and yet when he faced Gojyo he's suddenly pretty damn fast. We know Kami-sama was Ukoku's apprentice, so if we assume Kami-sama was a blank slate before he met Ukoku, that means Ukoku taught him what he knew, which could mean ukoku is as fast or faster then his apprentice, and knew how to do things with beads (or maybe I’m getting a little crazy here and giving ukoku too much credit, correct me if I'm wrong). I really wish I had the scans u_u;; There’s also the building-the-temple thing, I'm pretty sure kami-sama said at one time that Ukoku built it for him. For one man to build a big temple like that .. well, not too ordinary at all, and that it collapses when kami-sama 'loses the game'. Not to mention the soul stealing thing which I think Kami-sama also said he got from Ukoku -I could be wrong-
Well there’s my fan-ramble and part of the reason I kept the question general. Correct me, someone, please!
I actually can't see the images, but I can address the rest of that... at least, I hope I can. Anyhow, after seeing what Ukoku did to Goudai (which again, was something he knew even before becoming a Sanzo priest and no doubt studied on his own, as nobody would've taught him something so destructive), and knowing that Kami-sama is Ukoku's apprentice, it's no wonder that he can do what he did to the Sanzo party.
If all of what Kami-sama said was true, it's basically all just a testament to Ukoku Sanzo's power, but again, I don't think these are things he learned as a Sanzo priest, and go above and beyond the level of spells that the others may have learned.
I hope that helps. ^^;;; I may be way off, of course...
Anou, sanzo priest do seem to learn some spells though, like what Koumyou did to Kouryuu -um should be the first pic I think-. But then we don't see Genjyo ever useing that power on anyone. Then again he does face alot of weak youkai not worth his time, but I think there are the times that he loses his gun and he doesn't do anything but um...squirm and run. You'd think if he learned at least some basic spells he'd use that when his gun is gone, but he doesn't.
I think there are the times that he loses his gun and he doesn't do anything but um...squirm and run.
Go look at September's Zero-Sum over at saiyuki.it. Let's just say "one-handed back flip" and "sword" and leave it at that. XD
Hmm well that boy can definently kick and run. 10pts for nice use of legs. lol
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