I stumbled across
this post while perusing some archives and I thought it would be fun to do it again. Items that no longer apply are crossed out. New stuff is italicized.
1. Clothing
- Comfy in jeans, a T-shirt, and flip-flops
- Dress-up in a dress or a skirt
- Don't worry about name brand
- Kind of a flashy dresser (likes colorful stuff)
- Tries to make an effort to wear something nice, even if it's basic.
- Loves shoes.
2. Social Status
- Middle class
- A few close friends
- A lot of acquaintances
- Keeps in touch with former coworkers.
3. Vocalization
- Slurs some words
- Tries to speak correct English
- Low pitched voice
- Speaks fast
- Regular tone of voice
4. Education
- Well-educated
- Always gone to Catholic school
- wants to attend college
- Attending Indiana Wesleyan University. Hopes to graduate within a year.
- Graduated from IWU with a Bachelor's Degree.
- Misses school, but not tests or papers. Thinks about going back to school but can't fathom adding to current student loans.
5. Religion
- Catholic
- Not deeply rooted in faith
- Loves her Catholic faith, even through all the questions.
6. Morals
- Believes in premarital sex Understands the church's teachings on premarital sex, although she doesn't always follow it.
- Abortion is wrong as a general rule
- Believe strongly in bettering myself
7. Emotions
- Very emotional person over friends, parents, guys, school, and goodbyes. Especially guys.
- Very passionate about beliefs.
8. Physical & Mental Health
- Not insane.
- Physically fitDecently fit. Probably should get back into a regular gym routine.
- Sometimes enjoy mental challenges. Sometimes.
- Loves dance. Goes to the gym begrudgingly, but enjoys sore muscles after a good workout.
- Got a tattoo a year ago and toying with two new tattoo ideas.
9. Body Language & Gestures
- Talks with hands
- Casual body language
- Has expressive eyes and eyebrows (especially the eybrows!!) (ed note: the teacher wrote, "Yes you do!")
- Tries to sit up straight.
10. Hygiene
- Good hygiene habits.
- Enjoys a clean environment.
- Not overly concerned with appearance, but still takes time to look nice.
11. Family
- Oldest of seven
- Two parent family, mom passed. brother passed
- Four boys, three girls
- Three boys adopted
- One set grandparents dead Both grandmothers and one grandfather dead.
- Close to grandparents
- Keeps in touch with relatives
- Italian, but don't always participate in all affairs. but doesn't really have Italian traditions.
- Interested in Irish dance
12. Physical Limitations
- No physical limitations/disabilities, except for knees and ankles that act up.
- Height = 5'4"
- Average weight and build.
- Medium to slender bodyframe.
13. Economics
- Middle class.
- Lives comfortably.
- Slowly starting to save money.
- Close to owning my car outright. Purchased a car, turned it in, and now leasing a car.
- A decent amount of student loans to pay off once I'm done with school.
- Food: Italian, fast food, salsa, good salads, pasta, steak, new food.
- Music: Rock, can sometimes listen to Country, Jazz, Blues, R&B, Classical, Pop
- Hobbies: Drama, Singing, Irish dance, Reading, Wine
- Interests: Books, INDIANS!!, History, Wine
- TV: Can survive without if there's access to movies or the internets, Likes movies but prefers to read
- Computers: Can usually get around a program, Enjoys learning about them. Works for an IT company, has an IT degree, and installs software.
15. Talents
- Irish dance
- Singing
- Piano
- Theater
- baking
16. Career
- Looking into teaching Probably would get arrested for throwing things at students.
- Looking into secretarial Wouldn't mind being an Admin, but perhaps in 20 years or so.
- Currently an Implementation Specialist. New job title, but do basically do the same thing.
- Wants to get into Project Management, once I wrap my head around not doing techy things.
- Wants to get into some sort of management career. Once I can learn to say something other than "suck it up" when people complain
17. Marriage
- Wants to get married.
- Not planning life around getting married.
18. Posture/Way I walk
- Don't always stand up straight.
- Sometimes slouch in my seat.
- Kind of walk into my hips.
- Stroll walk when I'm not in a hurry.
- Walk and run on the balls of my feet.
- Tend to pull out a few dance moves while standing...and definitely when drinking.
19. Astrology
- Sometimes read horoscopes.
- Don't live life by horoscope.
20. Gender