Random thoughts that go through my head as I'm browsing through profiles. Please note - this brings out the super-judgmental part of me.
- Guy's pic in front of a magazine rack featuring Hustler, Playboy, and other similar magazines. "Seriously? You seriously took that pic and then posted it as one of your feature pictures? Messed up."
- Guy with a pic of a small dog. "I don't think I can respect a guy with a small dog. It's one thing if the girl insists on getting it, but if he voluntarily picks the dog? No can do."
- Perusing a guy's pictures, "Oh, he's cute. (Next pic) Really cute. (Next pic) AND he has a black friend!" Which presumably means he's not a racist or biased. IE - thumbs up.
- Guy starts his profile off with, "I'm white, 29, athletic, etc." I automatically skip this profile because I can get that info on your stats page. I expect your profile paragraphs to be a tad more exciting.
- A guy's only qualification for his partner is that she be 4 - 8 feet tall. Seriously, 4 - 8 feet tall. I automatically skip your profile because a) you're clearly not selective enough and b) 4 - 8 feet tall? Why did you even bother answering the question?
- Guy who's only picture is him in front of a mirror, with his Blackberry which he used to take his picture. Seriously - do you not have friends who take pictures of you? And post them on their wall, and tag you on Facebook?
- I mentally flag any guy who says the bar scene is overrated. The bar scene has some interesting facets to it, and everyone knows it might not be the ideal place to meet people. But writing an obvious statement doesn't really help anyone.
- Anyone who says he doesn't read - and says it so emphatically - is written off immediately. It's one thing to say I read every now and then, or not that often, but says "No reading" - not acceptable.
- Sports are a must. If you don't watch sports don't bother.
And now you know why the world of online dating is so hard. Because not only am I making these snap judgments within 30 - 60 seconds of reading a profile, every other guy out there is making these snap decisions as well. You certainly make some snap decisions when you meet someone in person, but some of the items that you write off as "no big deal" when you meet someone in person are automatic "no's" when you read the profile. Learning to turn off those snap judgments is difficult - especially when you're reading. And those snap judgments are the things that hold you back from meeting that future someone.