Put on a Happy Face

Feb 09, 2010 23:08

Do you ever have those days at work where you think the whole world is against you? That was last week. One thing after another went wrong. Or I'd find out more information about projects going wrong. And so I got pissy. And angry. And grumpy. And quite frankly, even I didn't want to be around me anymore.

Career Tools 101 tells you that disagreeing with your boss can be good, but it has to be done carefully. If months and months of planning have gone into something, telling your boss it's not going to work the first time you come into a project is not going to cut it. But if the planning has just begun, you can safely tell your boss something's not going to work while proposing other solutions to the problem.

At this point in the game, it's too late to change the major things. And in one instance, we're picking the lesser of two evils, knowing we're screwed no matter what. I just don't like going into situations knowing it's going to be bad - and the only thing I can do is minimize how bad it is. I pride myself on my work, my dedication, and my ability to give clients exactly what they want. This drastically damages my ego - which I suppose I can get over - but I don't like it.

I resolved this weekend to be positive. When people tell me it's not going to work, I say, "No! We're going to be positive. This will work." When people tell me the client won't be happy, I say, "No! They'll love it and pay us more money." I'm ignoring the sinking feeling in my gut that says it's all bad and putting on a happy face. Let's hope it works.


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