It's months like this one (and the last one) that make me question the practicalities of long distance relationships. Especially long distance relationships with people in different time zones. Phone calls that are full of "What?", "Repeat that again", and "Nevermind" are not a good sign. The frustration builds on both sides and doesn't necessarily go away.
The sucky part is that we both know the other person is trying. We've played around with calling at different times. I once said that I wasn't going to call in the week because it was too hard, but I called again the next day like I normally do. I miss talking to him. There was a proposal to text instead of calling, but that's more expensive. And I can't text during the day since my signal at work sucks. So phone calls are better. Sigh...
I was watching
Privileged (I know, I know) last night and laughed when Megan told her ex-boyfriend, "You're violating our same time-zone rule" If only I had that rule. Life would be much simpler. But challenges are supposed to be character building, right? Hopefully my character is building properly and I'm not sliding backwards.