...also known as, a way for me to look back on 2008 and remember what happened.
- My new-old job. I went back to work at my previous job of 5 years at the beginning of the year. It was one of the smartest decisions I've ever made. More money, better work, challenging issues, great coworkers = happy me. Hopefully 2009 is just as good as a working year as 2008.
- The outpouring of love, support, and prayers from family and friends around the world during my mom's battle with cancer. Seriously, I loved going home to find a home cooked meal from friends. It was great that I could call up friends of the family and ask them to take the kids to the doctor, to school, to other people's houses. We had absolutely no problem asking, and people would go out of their way to find something to do for us. It was (is) incredible.
- I got a MacBook. While I have yet to learn all the ways to use it, I do like it. It's small and cute and hasn't broken. Yet....
- Patti came home for a brief visit! It was great to catch up and sit in Swensons for several hours, fall asleep watching a movie, and go to 2 wineries with friends.
- I visited Mary and Vinnie in Rhode Island and got to see Coldplay! It was like being at home...except I wasn't at home. Those are the best visits.
- Vacation at Lakeside. The best. Except for the sleep, which sucked. But still good.
- SteelersBoy. While we technically met in 2007, our friendship continued to develop at the beginning of the year, and has continued as we've dated. It sucks that he's so far away, but I'm glad to have him in my life.
- One of my best friends was ordained a priest. It's been a long journey for him, and I'm so thankful to have him in my life.
- Travel to Boise. It was a work-trip that fell at a poor time, but the trip was great. I wouldn't mind going back again.
- ebizaleth and scooter came into town for a brief visit. I had lots of fun driving around Akron to find newspapers and of course dinner at Olive Garden. Hooray for friendships.
- Training sessions with Dale. I wish they could've gone longer and that I had time to go to the gym daily, but that's a goal for this year. I really enjoyed working with him and learned a lot about myself and what I'm capable of.
- My kitchen window finally got closed. I'm still frustrated at the lack of communication from the landlord, but I don't have to worry about winter air blowing through the windows. Okay, I still have to worry about that, but it's not as much air.
- I joined Parish Council. Boy is that fun. I've enjoyed getting to know members of the parish I probably wouldn't normally talk to, and seeing the way they interact with each other. It's also great to learn about up and coming events at the parish.