I was very proud of myself for getting all my Christmas presents wrapped yesterday afternoon. I said hi to Malia yesterday evening, and she said, "I got your present. Want to see it?" Shit. I forgot she was going to get me a present. This is the latest I've ever scrambled for Christmas presents. So I'll be joining men everywhere at the store to find a present. Hopefully something jumps out at me, because the only thing that's coming to my mind is hot chocolate, and you can only give someone so much hot chocolate. But I'm really excited to watch people's faces when they open their presents. And then I can tell stories about trying to find their presents. Sounds like a good time to me.
I haven't looked at my homework. I have another week and a half before class starts up. I have worked my way to Season 3 of Gilmore Girls. I'll need Season 5 next week sometime, so I anticipate that I'll make use of that $5 coupon from Best Buy.
I got my hair cut Saturday and I love it. When I went in there I knew I wanted several inches chopped off. I figured the top of my shoulders was a good length, but I knew Jeffrey would tell me what was best. After telling me several hair lengths that would work for me, I told him he could do whatever he wanted as long as it wasn't shorter than my chin. The result? A very cute cut...layers just above the shoulders but below the chin. I love it. I kept staring at myself in the mirror while MG was getting her hair cut which amused her. But I was fascinated with how awesome it was. And I like staring at myself in the mirror. MG got her hair cut, too, and she looks great.
At Malia's Christmas party. That tree is ginormous.