Nov 20, 2007 21:35
Sometimes I think guys have it easier, but that's pretty rare. These past few days, though, I've been hunting for a shirt and dress to wear out, and I've been quite jealous of the male species. How many guys do you know that need to get a new suit for a wedding they're attending because their other suits are too summery? Yeah, I don't know any either. And how many guys do you know that decide they want a new, dressy shirt for their birthday, but can't find one because shirts are really ugly these days? Yeah, me either.
I went to Macy's for the third time in about 5 days to look for a dress and a shirt. The past couple times I've gone in there I've looked at the same dress, so I figured I should try it on. The dress did not fit. Well, it fit, but the straps (spaghetti) are too long. So I would spend the entire wedding and reception pulling up the straps. Oh, and the bust was too big. Yes, too big.'s exciting and sad at the same time. I'm glad I finally tried it on cause I would have eyed it longingly each time I went in and kicked myself for not trying it on.
I found 2 shirts I really liked, and bought them both. Shopping without the wife or my sister is hard. I don't have someone who can critically look at something I have on and tell me what's good and bad about it. Well, I do know one guy, but we'd both get aggravated after awhile. Malia and I went to the mall yesterday, and after I took a shirt off and told her I wasn't going to get it, she said, "Good. I didn't like it anyway." What?! Why do you think I brought you with me? It's not to agree with me for the sake of agreeing! Anyway, I ended up calling the wife from the dressing room and describing to her what each shirt looked like. I really wish she had picture messaging on her phone. It wasn't quite the same, but it did help.
Top #1 is a deep purple, silk halter that ties on the left. Top #2 is an sleeveless, emerald green silk shirt with a sweetheart neckline. I bought both of them because I wanted to try them on with my skirt, figure out which one worked, and take the other one back. That seems logical, right? Top #2 looks great with the skirt; Top #1 is too dark. But I think I'm going to keep it. Maybe I'll find another reason to wear it. Plus, it was on sale!
Random story kinda relating to the shirts:
Malia and her boyfriend came over to drop off stuff for my birthday shindig at the house. I had Malia come back and look at my shirts and she had him come back and look at my room. I have bras scattered across my room. (I was trying on different bras with the shirts...and we already covered my bra storage techniques.) She picks up one of my bras, puts it on over her shirt, presses up against him and says, "You touched Beth's bra!" She put it down. He picks it up and says, "Damn, those are pretty big. Those are like two of Malia's!" Hahahahaha! I was a tad embarrassed, but quite amused.
bras and panties,