My Favorite 13 Books

Sep 27, 2007 23:37

My Favorite 13 Books

I know I've failed to post my Thursday Thirteen the past couple weeks. My apologies. Life got in the way, and by the time I realized that I didn't post anything, it was Friday, and it seemed to be a moot point.

I love reading. I always have. I think my kindergarten teacher would get frustrated with me because I would complete books so quickly and she didn't have anything new to give me. Reading was such a part of everyday life at my house. If you go to my parents house, you're almost guaranteed to find them sitting in the living room reading. I've cried over books, finished books in my dreams (I dreamt the ending, which was nothing like the real ending), stayed up waaay too late reading, stayed in bed reading for hours, and ignored friends and family just to finish a chapter. Books are a huge part of my life. There are many more, but this only calls for 13. I'm sure if you ask me the same question another day, I'll give you a similar but different list. But, these are the first 13 books that popped into my mind.

1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Loyal readers already knew this. I've lost count of how many times I've read the book, but I do love it.

2. The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Actually, I love the whole series. I read them over and over again when I was in grade school and now own them. I read them when I'm feeling nostalgic or want to remember what it was like to read "kid" books.

3. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I believe I've read all books written by Alcott, but I may have missed one. The friendship between the girls makes me nostalgic. I always wanted to have the type of friendship that Jo has with Teddy. I think that I have that with a few guy friends.

4. Playboy to Priest by Rev. Kenneth J. Roberts. What an amazing story. This book allows you to see the humanity in priests. You see their struggles, how they fight temptation just as much as we do, and what compells them to become priests in the first place. I love it.

5. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I hated this book the first time I read it. I think I was a freshman, and I was so frustrated because it was "too easy." I mean, I was an honors student! Surely they could've given us something better! Ah, what little did I know. I don't remember why I re-read this book, but I loved it the second time round. It's a classic for a reason!

6. Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. I loved the entire Anne series, but the first book was my favorite. While she'd ramble on at points, there's something so loveable about her that you forgive her. I fell in love with P.E. Island because of her.

7. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. A family favorite. Again, I love the entire series. I love Lewis' writing in general.

8. The entire Little House on the Prarie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. My dad used to read us selections from the series at dinner time. I love Laura's personality, her stubborness, her courage, her pride, her loyalty, everything.

9. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Sadly, I do not own this book. But the story is remarkable and very well written.

10. Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. I read this book when I need to switch up my reading. I love Scarlett. I understand her as a woman, but I feel for Melanie.

11. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I think I was a sixth grader when I originally read this book. I didn't understand much of it. I re-read it my freshman year of high school, and my teacher did a great job of explaining it to us. Once I made it past Book 1, I was hooked.

12. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. I had a notecard that I used to write down countless quotes from him. I filled it up, switched to another one, wrote in miniscule script, and still filled it up. It's so sad and beautiful.

13. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle. Half of my fascination with this book is the author's name. It's beautiful. Okay, not half, but I'm sure that helped me pick up the book. She was a talented writer. I enjoyed her other books as well.

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