"Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum." -Ambrose Bierce

Aug 28, 2006 20:21

Another example of children growing up too fast. This time it's young girls who are already dressing like skanks. I wish I understood my parents reasoning behind not letting me dress provocatively when I was younger. At least now when I do it I'm well aware of it and it's affects. Or is it effects?

Turning to a brighter topic, Gerald Augustinus posted an excerpt from JPII's encyclical, Mulieris Dignitatem, where he writes about the dignity of women. It's worth the read. If you get a chance, peruse his other entries. He's rather conservative, but has a deep appreciation for churches that glorify the Eucharist in the building (none of these wanna-be Protestant churches for him) and he definitely loves Latin. While I'm not so keen on the Latin Mass myself, and I tend to enjoy the "pop-y" Masses that he despises, I also appreciate churches that glorify the Eucharist and treat it with reverance. I generally tend to agree with his statements. Don't worry, though. If he's ever in town, I'll send him to my parents church and not mine! He should know that there are still super-conservative churches around.
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