I have come to experience the glory

Jun 27, 2006 08:08

I'm sore, but in a good way. But so sore that I'm happy that I won't be able to go to the gym today. Later today I may regret the fact that I have to substitute the gym with school, but that's life! I switched up my routine at the gym, and my body's in pain. It's good, I know, but I hate when muscles start screaming at me just cause I want to get out of my car. Also, my right foot is in pain. I believe I bruised it, although I'm not sure how. It's definitely not broken or sprained, but it hurts. Ah well. I'm used to body parts being in pain. Me and my legs are best buds with multiple ortho surgeons!

My internet has been quite flaky lately. To the point of being ridiculous. I don't have time to play around with my router everytime it decides to disconnnect. Absolutely ridiculous.

Wanna know what else is ridiculous?! No? Too bad. What is ridiculous is that my air conditioner is still broken! Perhaps you'll recall that I discovered it was broken Memorial Day weekend. It's been almost a month, and it's still not fixed. But, I know the new unit has been purchased, and is sitting downstairs in the living room of Apartment 2. To make it more exciting, evidently they had it Thursday, and it's still not in! Yeah, I'm a tad upset about it.

In exciting news, the Real Music finals went well. They were fun, actually. I did not get to tour the Rock Hall, which was sad, but I can go back any time!

Saturday I did not do my homework, contrary to the orders of a close friend. Instead, I went to Valley City with said friend. We went to a quaint winery that makes Mead, which is quite good I must say. Later in the evening, we went to Sarah's Vineyard for their Summer Solstice. There were 8 wineries there, and it was fun discovering new wines from different places. ebizaleth and I got to see our mother, which was awesome. I don't think we've seen her in a year or longer. Yay!

Judging from the last phone call of the day yesterday, today is going to be a long day. Oh goody. Let me tell you, there's nothing I enjoy more than cleaning up someone else's mess.

I'd give you a long blurb on today's featured blog but since I'm trying to get to work early and my internet's flaky, I'll have to pass. I know I've given you the link before, so perhaps you already read Neil religiously. Anyway, I do like him. He's currently in New England with his mother and wife. (I think they're still married, even if they're separated.) Anyway, I'm jealous that he's in New England. I do look forward to his posts; he and his penis have great conversations. Quite amusing.

gym, work, church stuff, featured blog, apartment, wine

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