I promise that I"ll give a proper update later. I've been thinking a lot lately, thus the last "real" post. I've also been cleaning out my inbox, thus the flood of amusing stories.
I go back to school today. Oh joy. The problem with missing school for 2-3 weeks is that you lose motivation to go. And, since I'm a great procrastinator, my homework doesn't get done till the night before. Oh well. My paper's pretty good actually...not up to par with most of my papers, but pretty good. I'll have to rewrite some stuff, create a better introductory paragraph, etc. Hopefully our professor is good. I love Philosophy. Well, I love Philosophy and the history surrounding it, so it should be good times. I'm sure we'll get into some Catholic bashing, so wish me luck! Maybe I should bring my Apologetics books with me to class. Wouldn't that be amusing?
I've decided that over the next couple days, or posts, whichever is more appropriate, that I'll link in a blog that I read. Perhaps you'll find something that interests you. I should clarify and tell people that I'm not going to link in my friends or people that I know in real life. These are random people from around the world that write. Actually, I'm pretty sure they're all from the States, but whatever.
Today's blog is
Waiting With Bated Breath. Trixie, as the author calls herself, tends bar in Chicago at night. She also has a boyfriend that lives very far away that just came in town to visit, and she's eventually moving to wherever he lives. (I didn't say I was going to give great bios on these people!) I like reading her because she's pretty honest about life, the world, etc. I love her post on
waxing; there's a definite reason I've never done that, and reading her experience only confirms my suspicions. There's no way in hell I could do that to myself. I also love her post where she
breaks up with Internet Explorer, mainly because I'm partial to Firefox. Last but not least, I love her post on
blow jobs. It's a great Public Service Announcement for women...it definitely amused me.
So there ya have it. Happy reading and have a great day!