So, I picked up The World Ends With You recently.
This is rapidly proving to have been a mistake.
Must... resist... writing... fanfic....
Me: Let's think this over. I'm in grad school. I have three very big, very important exams coming up in a couple months, for which I should, ideally, be spending approximately 48 hours a day studying. I also have a
pretty time-consuming fanfic in the works already, which at best will take me another year or two to finish, and a TES: Oblivion fic (not yet posted anywhere) which over the past few months has taken to lunging out of the corners of my brain and attacking as I'm trying to do other things. Plus a couple of original stories that I've been swearing to finish for, oh, years now.
What I'm getting at, here, is that I really don't need to get obsessed with any new writing projects. You know?
Muse: Yes, but Joshua.
Me: But I really don't think I have time to--
Muse: Also? Minamimoto. I think he knows pi out to more digits than you do. C'mon. When's the last time you met a villain whose battle-cry was "N factorial"?
Me: Yeah, I know, but--
Muse: *sticks fingers in ears and starts singing, loudly*
Me: ...Forget it.
Er, yeah. If you've happened to come here from, the next chapter of Lost Ground is in the works. Really. Honest. I swear.