Potions...anyone jump in PLEASE. Sarah hasn't interacted w/ anyone in a while.

May 10, 2006 18:19

A pungent smell that reminded Sarah of burning rubber was slowly emitting from her cauldron. She leaned over it to take a look, her face contorting slightly as she noticed the lumpy texture. The potion they were making today in class was extremely difficult and tedious to make. Snape had wrote the the directions on the board in minute words that were almost too small to read, and they filled the entire board.

Sarah bit her lip, confused. The potion was supposed to be very thin and runny and have a slight citrusy scent, and she couldn't tell exactly what she had done wrong. She squinted her green eyes at the board, trying to see if she had missed anything crucial.

"...add the lacewings, and stir three times counterclockwise. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt stir, and the number of the stirs shall be three. Four shalt thou not stir, nor either stir thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three stirs. Five is right out. Once the stir number three, being the third stir, be reached Then proceed to add the beetle's eyes. Caution: Your potion may be lumpy and have a peculiar smell at this point if the beetle's eyes are over three weeks old. If so, leaving the potion by itself could be extremely dangerous, and inhaling the fumes for too long could result in death. To fix this problem, add Essence of Belladonna (three drops) and stir rapidly until the smell has disappeared and the texture is smooth."

Sarah squeaked in suprise. Death?! Well, that was certainly a big deal. How old had those beetle's eyes been? Didn't she just get them last week? Or was it last month? Sarah rummaged through her supplies, trying to find a bottle of Essence of Belladonna. She sifted through several bottles, jars, and bags hurriedly, but couldn't find the one she needed. Panicked, she turned to the boy sitting next to her.

"Do you have any Essence of Belladonna handy?" Sarah asked quickly. "Or else we could have a serious problem."

(ooc: If no boy jumps in, I will seriously be upset and cry all over the place. Sarah hasn't had any interaction with anyone in FOREVER. Pleeeeeease jump in. *puppy eyes*)
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