Jul 19, 2004 15:50
So, I have been mostly lurking here, not posting often and I greatly enjoy all of the thoughts and comments of you all. It has occurred to my that I would really like to influence the world in some manner. I have go so far as to contemplate running for public office at some level, so that I might be in a position to affect change. At the same time I realize the I would be a terrible politician. I have a difficult time lying. I just don't see why I need to lie to someone to get things done. I prefer that someone comes out, says what the mean and then discusses their point of view. I would rather deal with someone who is honest and disagrees with me that someone who lies to me and pretends to agree, but really wants nothing to do with my ideas/ideals.
That said, I am convinced that if I could gain access to the medicare system, I could fix the system by making it run efficiently. I am positive that there needs to be no legislation passed to "fix" the problem. If someone would go in and cut the paperwork, eliminate redundancy, streamline operations we as a country could have universal health care and our senior citizens would be taken care of during their "Golden Years". Part of the problem is that the politicians are not encouraged to actually fix anything. it is much easier to deal with the (to paraphrase Ashcroft) "the Known knowns" then it is to deal with the "Known,unknowns".
Anyway, I am straying far off topic, I'm not even sure this is a cohesive though process...
What are some of the biggest problems that we know of:
1) the Progressives have no unified voice.
2) The conservatives are in control of the language of debate
3) the conservatives are in control of the white house and the legislature, and potentially could get the judiciary as well
4) Most people in this country are so disenfranchised that they don't vote
5) Most people in this country don't understand how or government actually functions(or actually does not function)
6) The large corporations have a monopoly on the influence of the law makers.
How can we solve these problems without running for public office
1) Organize a campaign/market strategy to re-frame the discussion away from the black and white view of the conservatives
2) with a unified marketing campaign the language of debate can be brought back under control of the progressives and we can eliminate such ideas as the "Defense of Marriage"
3)With a unified marketing campaign the progressives can loosen the hold of the conservative right and begin to move this country forward to enlightenment rather than backward into the dark ages
4) With a realization that change can be made and an opportunity for each person to speak and be heard then we may be able to reconnect the disenfranchised and reinvigorate the thought process of this country
5) Using resources to reach out to the community level, people can be taught how the government works. The Constitution can be brought back to the light of day, and people can learn how the government is supposed to function
6) As a lobby group for the people we can bring a voice into the conversation that is concerned about the people not about the bottom line
If you have made it this far into this post, I thank you. So what the #%$@ am I talking about. I want to start a Think-Tank/Lobby Group that has the purpose of framing the debate in progressive term not conservative ones. That makes a point of reaching out to the different communities and instructs people in the workings of the government, and why it is important to vote. And I want to create a Think-Tank that uses its influence to let the voice of the people be heard.
I await your feedback...