Apr 13, 2009 12:11
so i know thiS light skinned brothAaa. he is the whitest person i know. i mean he raps about mc donalds and budweiser. here is just a lil Sample of what his rap exiles: Im just the whitest raper once i shoot im just the wraith of faster
master.But you can just call me bill.i dont give a fuck about you we battle bitch ill stomp you.im on top wait your not can you get on top am i on top? im bout to rap about the whitest shit there is, burger king you are my dream I love that whopper with all that mean green. omg im in heaven,mean. mc donAlds your a hard competior,but I Still purchase your fish dude. fishey fishey tarter sauce this is really real oh sauce, add more fish. naw its a sign add some budweiser this=mean sorry should I be saying stunned? you know something,something,blah,blah,yeah lets move on. I like those fairys And flowers, wait smoke some pot. the only thing just please dont choke, mc whitey out..
So yeah that is just a sample of what he raps about, it really is funny because he is so bug eyed and crazy with his faded polo of humility. he is a good friend so if you see him ask him to rap for you and when he is done tell him to give you a dollar for wasting your time.