I joined many fanlistings in the past, and I need a place to put them, but they overrun my userinfo, so I'm just gonna put them all here, the old ones I already have and anymore I know I'll join later on. So yeah, this entry is really unimportant and can be ignored. Sorry for the FL spam.
If your curious or something, if you hover over the icons, it'll tell you what series/character/whatever it's for. I guess you could use this to see what I'm interested in, but It no where near covers everything I'm a fan of, I'm a fan of ALOT of stuff. xD
Also, out of boredom I check to see if links still work every so often. If they don't and I can't find/to lazy to find an alternate link/fanlisting of the same subject, then it gets taken off, making this slightly less referencable to what I'm a fan of.
In other news, retarded message of the day is from ImageShack:
The file you attempted to upload is 3 kilobytes.
Please use a third party resize tool such as the Microsoft Image Resizer to resize the file so that it is less than 1024 kilobytes.