This is actually a real post - a Progress Report!

May 24, 2008 15:28

Neverminding a couple of posts I put up and promptly tore down, I've actually made some progress in the last day or so - and tore some of my hair out over some standing issues....

In the good news department, I've got both moods and userpics working in my post editor, as you can see, including the default userpic. I wouldn't have figured those out were it not for the fact that there's another LJ client out there whose source code was available (open source and all), and it was written in Python, which I can read to some extent. So I figured out how to access those properties correctly - wouldn't have gotten that out of the official docs, that's for sure.

In the bad news department, I'm still stuck regarding the session cookie. No clue how to save that. So I've gone to the people that had better know - I put up a help request to the Micro$oft Forums, hoping that an engineer up there will take pity on me. And I'm still trying to figure out how I messed up my sign-in code.

More news at it becomes available...

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