
Jun 30, 2009 14:19

Completely sick of still being on emergency tax now.  I keep being told that their sorting it, but well,  I work hard, sometimes 11-12 hour shifts - many of those extra hours unpaid - and I'm living completely hand to mouth.  Its only 4 days since pay day (in a five week month) and I'm already having freebee work toast for lunch.  Once I've paid my rent and bills and set aside money for the Ass-train to work each day, I'm completely broke!  This month I've managed to scrape together enough money for my trip to Glasgow but this is at the expense of buying anything for myself, including food and the pair of jeans I've needed since mine got a hole in the crotch 6 weeks ago.  Thankfully nearly all my debts other than my overdraft are now paid off but many more months of this and I'm going to develop new ones.  I'm tired, hungry and its making me feel agressive about people at work who buy £40 baseball caps, and shitty about comming into work at all when it feels like I'm working for free.

And I want my Nick back and my internet back.  But mostly my Nick to calm me down :/
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