(no subject)

May 06, 2009 21:49

Meme, scuse the typo's, I'm in a hurry :3

1. Zombies
I like zombies.  I enjoy the mindless violence that Zombie films can contain because all guilt is removed.  Its already dead thus its ok to...dead it again.  I realise this makes me sound like a nutter but I genuinely think Zombies remove you one step away from gratuitious violence, Ichi the killer would be practically nothing if it was Zombies, but with real people its violent and revolting, fortunately saved by a great storyline.  I love the cult that has built up around Zombies as well.  And its not just nutters who want to kill stuff (generally nutters who want to kill stuff dont engage in fantasy situations that they could never realistically carry out)  There's Zombie LARP, Zombie MMO'S, all sorts!  And generally its people who are interested in pushing themselves to their emotion limits, how far would they really go and how would they survive.  Its facinating!!  I dont think there's many people out there who dont have their Zombie plan set to go ;)
I've been in a couple of Zombie movies, most recently the C4 thingy Dead Set.  Did you know there are professional zombies?  The agencies called Night Terrors or something.

2. London
I live here, I like it.  It stinks of piss and fags but sometimes they cover up the piss smell with this stuff that smells like Parma Violets and thats nice.  You can never get a breath of fresh air in London and when you come home, your eyes and nose are full of black, gritty gunk.  But no one wears make up in the morning and if they do then they put it on on the tube.  I love watching people put on their makeup, everyone has their own ritual.  Oxford Street smells like waffles and cheap perfume whilst Regent Street smells like expensive new clothes, musky wollens and tangy Barbour jackets.  I spend a lot of time on these streets.   People talk of London as being like villiages all crammed together, divided and surrounded by big high streets.  You can really see this in Soho, streets crammed with tea shops, fruit and veg stalls and florists.  Opposite Oxford Street you find a similar layout but with treelined roads and white stone allyways.  Alfresco Pizza and Online Edit Suites.  Its much much quieter there but I always miss the bustle of Soho, weaving in and out of bicicle couriers with my trolly piled high with Neg Cans.  I will really miss London when I move, ice rinks on the North Bank in Winter and lazy jazz filled Summers on South Bank.  I will have to make my own London to take with me when I move :)

3. Cosplay (not in the scary obsessive way, but more cause you organised the ball ^_^;)
Nah, totally in the scary obsessive way, I just have room to think about other things as well :P  I like having things that define me, interesting or unusual hobbies.  Cosplay is one of these and I have such a love hate relationship with it.  However, it does encourage me to keep healthy and work out so its not all bad.

4. Kamikaze Girls
My current favourite film.  Its so easy on the eye and watchable, sort of like a Japanese Mean Girls.  And it has some lovely messed up characters and a lovely simple message.  Plus the acting is good which is pretty rare in 90% of those kind of Japanese films.

5. Fringe (I've still yet to watch it but every time someone mentions it I think of you cause you were the first person I knew to watch it XD)
OMGILOVEFRINGEANDEVERYONESHOULDWATCHIT.  Ok, its not as great as like, the first time you saw Heroes or the first time someone got killed by fog in Lost but its still pretty damn good.  People have described it as a poor mans XFiles but its not really, its just more story driven.  The whole time you know there is this massive twist comming up that will drastically alter all the characters but your not quite sure what it is yet.  Its like Lost (well its created by the ame people) but with an actuall episodic storyline as well as an overarching one.  And it doesnt make you want to break your remote like Lost does.  Watch it.
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