Skins - Probably my fav episode so far because of the surrealness and lovely use of Clair De Lune, one of my favourite pieces of music, during the beautifully shot ending. Screen shotted the bit where he gives mullet child a lolly.
Lost - Interesting seguay. Dont really care anymore unless that baby turns out to be Ben. Urgh, no actually, dont care at all. Still watching it because it kills some time and takes twenty seconds to download. Once the tubes start working again (meaning I can actually go out at weekends) I may give up. Still no news on how many toes Richard has.
Battlestar - Bit of a meh episode. Nothing happened we didnt already know would happen or had already happened. Nice to see Boomer being less of a bitch because I do love her. And nice to see Kara smiling. She has this sort of wide mouthed tree frog thing going on which makes her look amazing when she smiles.
Heroes - Was sort of cool. Claires mum is awesome. And I grow increasingly attracted to Sylar. Whyyyyy??!! I think it might be because him and Nick have similar eyebrow rage.
Dollhouse - Still entertaining - seems like it will get better as it goes on. Characters arent as fleshy as Firefly and the 'Comic Relef' Topher is sort of annoying me, he just doenst have the timing. Sill enjoying the storyline and the constant use of leather leggings however, so all's good. And Sierra is fit as.
No House or Fringe this week so my education in science is getting behind. Watched a bit of Survivors as well and decided the 'flu' in it is actually lupus. So for once, its Lupus and the entire world has it!