Of dentists and school.

Apr 02, 2008 21:44

So, I went back to the dentist today to get more help on my teeth, particularly the ones on the left side of my mouth. I believe they did a root canal on one, and just a regular ol' filling on the other. I guess I'm feeling slightly better, but one of them does feel numbish still. I guess 'cause I had a different dentist today, one who might've put too much anastesia on my teeth.

On to school! It's unbelievable, but it's already April, meaning I've got about 2 months left of school this grade. I'm looking forward to it, and also hoping the end won't come. Weird, huh?

I have to pick out some classes for 10th grade. My major is art, so I'll choose Drawing/Painting 2 as one of them. I don't know about my minor, though. I was initially interested in Culinary Operations, a cooking class, but I'm also taking an interesting in Beginner's Tennis and Psychology. Also, to be allegible to go to a state university, I'd need to take two years of a foreign language. (The only available class is Spanish.) So, I've planned this out: since tennis and Psychology are only counted as .5 credits, I can probably take both next year. Then for 11th and 12th grades, I can take Spanish and not feel like I'm missing out on much.

I hope I can make that arrangement.

root canal, school, college, classes, dentist

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