I'm leaving for Germany on May 14th. Once I find out my contact information, I'll post it here (if I have access to the Internet).
Now, I need to go hunting... and kill those dust bunnies under my bed once and for all!
If I don't play Kingdom of Loathing, instead. Heh.
Oh, yeah, if anyone hasn't heard of it... just go to
http://www.kingdomofloathing.com . It is the best game ever.
It's rather sad to see my side of the room so bare and empty. Maybe, once I kill the dust bunnies, I'll sleep under my bed to keep the emptiness company. Or not. But it is entertaining to think about.
I'm a little tired, in case you couldn't figure that out. I don't feel tired, but my mind is doing really strange things, and usually my mind only does really strange things when it is tired. Look! A tangerine-flavored bird just flew by your window!
In other news, I bought a harmonica today. Huzzah. Another instrument for me to learn! Now, if only I could get my hands on a full size harp, a wooden flute, a mandolin, a hammered dulcimer, and a bodhran... I know a little bit on each of those instruments, but not much. Sigh. Not much I can do without instruments to practice.
Maybe I should visit flea markets when I return.
Anyway. I shall stop rambling, now, and destroy the dust bunnies. (Or play Kingdom of Loathing, and THEN destroy the dust bunnies.)