May 06, 2011 22:46
Day 01: 10 things about you Day 02: 10 things you love Day 03: 10 things you hate Day 04: 10 things you want to say to one person Day 05: 10 wishes Day 06: 10 items you can’t live without Day 07: 10 important people Day 08: 10 of your favorite songs Day 09: 10 ways to win your heart Day 10: Final 10 words 10. Parker- He has been the closest thing to a childhood friend for me. We spent our Middle School years doing Middle School things. I spent the night there, he'd spend the night at my house. Video games, movies, internet. We'd go swimming in his pool, or romp around in the neighbor's field behind their house. We saw Digimon: The Movie together and obsessed over Pokemon. We took good care of each other, and we had a lot of fun in those short years growing up. Even the time we've spent apart, we've managed to get together and hang out. We're more mature, striking out into the world as adults. Parker needed a friend in our days; he was filled with rage and neglect that came to be his most prominent cause for being as well rounded and mature as he is. I love him very much for who he is. 9. Mrs. Peterson- She was my eighth grade teacher. This woman is just remarkable. A full time Lawyer with his Husband, and very known in the immediate community years before she became a teacher. She survived death threats, raid threats, bomb threats to her and her family. She's incredibly intelligent, eccentric and fun. She always had some quirky quote to say, and had an insane love for Milk Duds. She gave all that prestigious work to become a full time teacher. She encouraged me to get into the A.P. program in High School and to stick to all the right people who will guide me in the right direction. Somehow, I feel like the people online are the completely wrong people, and in that sense, I have failed her. She is still an inspiration to me and my own love of teaching. 8. Mrs. Lam- My Junior year A.P. American Literature teacher. Unlike the eccentric and fun-loving Peterson, Lam was a complete wacko. And she was -mean-. She was -fearless-. She was not afraid to call someone out or put them in their place if they were wrong, and that's what I absolutely -loved- about her. When she found out I was forging my mom's signature on my report cards, she made me call mom and tell her I was actually failing. I never got below a B+ after that day. .__. She pushed me to recover and bounce back and really make an effort, and I will never forget how much fun we had in that class, making movies and having a party at the end of the year, and how I had to waddle around in a red dress with a giant A. We had a Mortal Kombat scene between the Great Gatsby and Hester in which I knocked Nick over with my pregnant stomach screaming "I AM THE INCREDIBLE HESTER!" Yes...I made a Hulk reference. It was epic. I also came up with the brilliant idea of having Edna reenact the last scene where she goes into the water by stripping to Too Sexy For my Shirt, and Huck Finn joins in the dance. Either way, I had a lot of ups and downs and Mrs. Lam kept me strong. 7. Madeline's sister- I for the life of me cannot remember her name. Of all the sisters, I can't remember the only decent one among them. She brought us chocolate covered strawberries. JUST for mom and I, even though we had never met, or talked. She was sweet, she was kind, she was NOTHING like her horrible sisters. SHE felt like family. We talked about food recipes, and having her visit when she got the chance, because she lived out of state. I will never forget her kindness to a stranger like me, living states away. That kind of kindness shows me that she really cares, and that to me is important. 6. Kayla- The best room mate. The best confidant, the best culinary mastermind, the best at Soul Caliber 4, the best gothic black chick, the best partner in crime during Leadership training. The best person to unload on when I wasn't feel good. The best person to cry to, and one of the best friends I've ever had for so long. She's the only one outside of Job Corps I extensively keep up with. 4. Alayna- My evil twin through thick and thin. The end. >_> ( Edit: Heey, look, Alayna's number four. I didn't even do that on purpose.) 3. Rob Nelson- Ten years of back and forth. Of longing, of misery and failed attempts. Bad choices, anger. Rob and I have come a long way. He has always looked out for me, and I have let him down in every way I can think of. Our relationship is strained, distant, and hard to work with because of all the things that have happened to us prior to dating--mostly due to me. But we try to break those barriers down, and we try to come close and when we do, life is beyond blissful. Even if Rob and I never got married, or we broke up for good--the saying "For better or for worse" describes us quite well. I've never met a man more devoted to me, despite his hesitation and fear of me. He's done things for me no one would ever, and he sacrifices a lot for me. We both have times where we are childish, withdrawn, locked away from our emotions and security, but in the end, we still come out and care. 2. Myself- I believe it's important to think of yourself as important--to an extent. To have confidence in what you say and do. Realize that you are not all knowing, and make mistakes and bad choices. But that you can learn and shift and make something of yourself no matter how many times people put you down or condemn you to a life of failure. I am somebody important. 1. My mother- The single most strong woman in my life. A pain in my ass, as I am a pain in her ass. She was homeless, for me. She worked multiple jobs at once, for me. She was raped, abused, and survived Cancer. She's been the jail. She's had abortions and miscarriages in my life time. She married once, and never again. She went to college and dropped out. She has struggled with being an alcoholic since I could walk. She has always put my opinion into consideration when it comes to men. She always had my interest and well being despite sometimes being a witch. I would be lost without her, and yet I can't wait to get away from her and into the world. She has been my best friend through thick and thin. Protected me, guided me, and showed me things no other could. She is my mother, no matter what. I love her very much and would have it no other way.