Apr 08, 2011 03:30
Day 01: 10 things about you
Day 02: 10 things you love
Day 03: 10 things you hate
Day 04: 10 things you want to say to one person
Day 05: 10 wishes
Day 06: 10 items you can’t live without
Day 07: 10 important people
Day 08: 10 of your favorite songs
Day 09: 10 ways to win your heart
Day 10: Final 10 words
- Music means a lot to me. I dance to express myself, I dance to keep myself active and in shape. I sing because I know the words. I sing because I feel the depth of emotion in a song, be it Gaelic, Japanese, English, Russian. Music keeps me calm, collected, focused, and happy. I sleep with my iPod, I listen to it at work, on the streets, in the grocery store--at any store. The only place it doesn't go, is in the shower.
- I like to run. I am a runner, I was nicknamed Pocahontas for three reasons: A) I'm Native American B) I used to have -long-ass hair. And C) I'm a runner. I have slender calves and thick thighs and strong muscles. And I've done a lot to keep my legs in shape. I ran as a kid, through school. I did two years of Soccer where I played Forward and Wing due to my speed, and studying Chung Do Kwan even. Running gives me a thrill. When I am restless at night, I run. When I am upset, I run. When I am angry, I run. All those emotions I push down to the soles of my feet and wear them down until I am calm, worn out, and have expressed myself.
- I prefer to be underwater, but since my eye sight has gotten much worse, it's hard to enjoy being underwater, when you go from things being blurry under water to things being WAY more blurry out of the water. When I was younger, I swam a whole lot more, especially when it stormed. I love being surrounded by water. Time and gravity make little sense. Everything is quiet and peaceful, and a sense of belonging clicks, as if I were a mermaid all my life.
- I like to broaden my horizons; I like to hear people's opinions. I really enjoyed school growing up, but I despised learning about North Carolina history, or even American history. I had heard it before, over and over and over again. I wanted to learn about the world's history and science. I wanted to learn about everywhere at once. After world history I'd go to the library during lunch and find a book about an inventor or philosopher, or search the computer lab's records for something new and interesting. I'd read about advanced mathematics trying to grasp the concept. Biology, Art, Psychology, Literature. I loved doing our Dialectical Journals because I could find a quote, express my opinion of it, write it down and study it. Books like How to Read Literature Like a Professor helped me understand things. Even with food and exercises, Religion, Governments. I pay way more attention to the news now so I can see what goes on, learn more. I can still only eat certain fish in microscopic quantities, but now I can honestly say I've had a rack of lamb and I loved it. I had Kangaroo and I loved it. I've had deer, snake, Squirrel, and Rabbit and enjoyed them. I've grown accustomed to certain customs from other countries, studied other holidays, participated in them. I've extended my music taste--no thanks to Michael--and haven't had a negative experience yet. Actually, it's people like Michael, and people I meet on Refuge, and people who I've met in Kentucky like Markita who have helped me learn to let some things go, and try other things. It's amazing what you can learn from other people.
- I love art. I probably couldn't tell you who the aritist is, but I love art. I am a visual creature, and I love to see different things. The imagination of Man and even Animal is astounding and beautiful to me. When we go to stores, if they have an art section, I will browse it. It's like going to an art museum for free, and I can appreciate the little Earthy things that aren't famous. Sort of like treasures, I guess. I like to look for local treasures in the downtown area. Soon I want to contribute with my own local treasure.
- I have A.D.D. I was diagnosed with it when I went to Kentucky. I like to stand, and don't care for enclosed areas. If I have to sit for any length longer than twenty minutes I have to get up and pace. I sway a lot, I rock when I am tired.
- I fucking love most vegetables. Broccoli, Carrots, Onions, Zucchini, Squash, Beets, Celery, Cauliflower, Collards, Spinach, Turnips, Leeks, Cucumbers, Potatoes, Corn, Peas. The list goes on and on and on and on and on. I fucking love vegetables. I always have, and screw anyone who says they hate vegetables because they have not lived.
- I'm terribly, horrible at speaking...I have a voice with a lot of dynamic to it, and through being a musician, I've learned to control the quiet of my voice, or the loudness. Ironically, when it comes to work, I sound unnaturally pleasant, robotic. But otherwise, I'm very...shy, I suppose. I slur a lot of words, and I shift between sounding crisp and clean to lazy, with my southern twang. I tend to mumble or not say anything at all. But if I know there is something that has to be done, I snap into complete focus. I can command attention when necessary, though it leaves me feeling like there's a spotlight that shouldn't be. During marching season I'd spend my week and weekend without a voice because I used my voice so much it just caput on me. I speak reassuringly to my cats, or any other animal I am dealing with. I can often coax a stray to trust me after allowing them a sniff at my hand. Talking on the phone makes me nervous yet I always come off as sounding cordial and professional.
- I dislike ignorant people. They tend to make me want to smash their skulls in, or scream at them, or at least to rude in return just to get their attention.
- Love. Love is everything to me. Love in all its form mean the absolute most to me. If I had nothing else in this world but love I would be just fine.