Nov 13, 2006 14:23
So its a few hours until my next class and there is so much that I could be doing, that I should be doing but am I no, of course not. Gah, why do I always leave things to the last minute, what's wrong with me? opps, I think Imade someone angry, with my typing:S she's trying to read and is giving me not so nice looks... not much I can do, I'm not that load...
I have two major papers due monday and niether is started... oh well, I'll do them last minutes like always, my good intentions always turn into me doing them the night or weekend before. Hmmm, I turn 19 of thursday:P I haven't decided if i'm having a party or not, and if i'm going to I really need to decide soon. It will be next weekend if I do, where I have the papers to complete this weekend.
Johnelle~ I got the 24th off, finally, got a decision out of the girl at work so we are all set to see the play. I'm soo exicited, :D
Ok must do pyshc extra credit now, and I will not get distracted again, at least that is the plan.